Journalism in Lansingburgh

Editor’s Note: In the old website each Lansingburgh newspaper had its own webpage. They are all on one page here.

Many newspapers were published in Lansingburgh, the first of them (the Northern Centinel) starting in 1787 and some publishing on into the 1890s - over 100 years. There is some thought that the Lansingburgh Courier and the Lansingburgh Times may have continued to publish in the first decade of the 1900s (e.g. advertisements for them can be seen in the 1902 Troy Directory), though no issues beyond 1895 seem to be known to survived. The New York State Newspaper Project indicated the Lansingburgh Courier published into 1909, but found no holdings in New York state after the July 19, 1894 issue. The Project indicated the Lansingburgh Times published into 1904 but found no holdings in New York after the May 25, 1895 issue. The 1894-1909 stretch of missing issues is a serious gap in Lansingburgh history, covering among other things the annexation of the Village of Lansingburgh by the City of Troy and the remainder of the Town of Lansingburgh by the Town of Schaghticoke!The gaps in holdings, sadly, go even further. Many issues of newspapers are not known to have survived in any library, archive, or historical society. Of those that did survive in such collections, some have gone missing from those collections. Microfilming and digitalization efforts should be increased!News of Lansingburgh can, of course, also be found in Troy and Albany newspapers, and likely in old newspapers published in other neighboring places as well: Cohoes, Waterford, Pittstown, Melrose, Schaghticoke, etc.Aside from those newspapers catalogued by the New York State Newspaper Project, there were some other periodicals that they for some reason did not include. Among those one may include the Lansingburgh Voice, the "little paper with the big impact," which began in 1972.
N. B.: for whatever reason, the New York State Newspaper Project attributed far more extensive newspaper holdings to the Lansingburgh Historical Society than LHS actually owns. The actual holdings are limited to these:
The Golden Wreath: Nov. 1865; Dec. 1865; Jan. 1866; Feb. 1866; April 1866; July 1866 (Temperance newspaper)
The Family Guide: Oct. 1866; Dec. 18, 1866; Dec. 25, 1866; Jan. 2, 1867; Jan. 11, 1867; Jan. 18, 1867; Jan. 25, 1867; Feb. 1, 1867; Feb. 15, 1867; Feb. 23, 1867; July 1867; Aug. 1867; Sept. 1867 (a temperance newspaper, followed The Golden Wreath) (Feb. 1 as Weekly Chronicle; next 2 issues as Lansingburgh Chronicle)
The Weekly Watchman & Family Guide: March 10, 1870; March 18, 1870; March 25, 1870; April 15, 1870; April 22, 1870; May 2, 1870 (another temperance paper, follows The Family Guide)
The Weekly Chronicle and Watchman: May 13, 1870; May 20, 1870; May 27, 1870; June 17, 1870; June 24, 1870; July 6, 1870; July 13, 1870; July 20, 1870; July 27, 1870; August 10, 1870; August 17, 1870; August 24, 1870 (successor to The Weekly Watchman)
Weekly Chronicle: Aug. 8, 1865; Nov. 14, 1865
The Enterprise: Nov. 29, 1873; Dec. 13, 1873; Dec. 20, 1873; Dec. 27, 1873; Jan. 3, 1874; Jan. 10, 1874; Jan. 17, 1874; Jan. 24, 1874; Feb. 7, 1874; Feb. 14, 1874; Feb. 21, 1874; Feb. 28, 1874. Dec. 6, 1873
New Advertiser: April 13, 1861
Our Little Paper: Sept. 13, 1872; Sept. 20, 1872; Sept. 27, 1872; Oct. 4, 1872; Oct. 25, 1872; Nov. 1, 1872; Nov. 15, 1872; Nov. 22, 1872; Nov. 29, 1872; Dec. 6, 1872; Dec. 13, 1872; Dec. 27, 1872; Jan. 10, 1873; Feb. 14, 1873; Feb. 28, 1873; April 4, 1873; May 23, 1873; June 27, 1873; July 5, 1873; July 16, 1873; July 2, 1873; July 30, 1873; Aug. 6, 1873; Aug. 9, 1873; Aug. 20, 1873; Aug. 23, 1873; Sept. 3, 1873; Nov. 3, 1873
Lansingburgh Democrat: Feb. 10, 1859. May 9, 1850; Aug. 8, 1850; July 25, 1850; July 18, 1850, July 15, 1852
Lansingburgh Gazette: June 26, 1804; March 22, 1850; Sept. 2, 1856; Sept. 25, 1859; Jan. 31, 1861; Nov. 6, 1862; Dec. 3, 1863; Sept. 1, 1864; Jan. 4, 1866; Sept. 19, 1867; Jan. 11, 1872; Dec. 30, 1876
Northern Centinel and Lansingborough [sic] Advertiser, May 28, 1787 (also in facsimile) (This was the first newspaper published in Rensselaer County.)

New York State Newspaper Project - Rensselaer County (NY) newspapers on microfilm and paper at all NYS locations - Lansingburgh
The New York State Newspaper Project did not catalog holdings of New York State newspapers in locations outside of New York. The American Antiquarian Society in 1916 published an article “Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690-1820" which did catalog some holdings in other locations; WorldCat should also do so.
Lansingburgh newspapers online
At present, relatively Lansingburgh newspapers seem to have been digitized and rendered searchable online.On, a subscription-based website:
• American Spy (1791-1798)
• Farmers' Register (1803-1820)
One, a free website (years in parenthesis indicate what they have presently available online):
• Lansingburgh Courier (1875-1876, 1879-1894)
• Lansingburgh Democrat and Rensselaer County Gazette (1844-1848)
• Lansingburgh Democrat (1849-1861)
• Lansingburgh Gazette (1879-1880)
• Lansingburgh State Gazette (1880-1883)
• Lansingburgh Weekly Gazette (1865-1866)
• Northern Budget (1798-1808, 1810-1818)
• Semi-Weekly Chronicle (1864)
Free sources for digitized newspapers, but which at present which do not include any from Lansingburgh:

 Lansingburgh Recorder, 1794-1795.
Semi-weekly and weekly. A continuation, without change of volume numbering, of "Tiffany's Recorder". The first issue with the title of "Lansingburgh Recorder" was that of Dec. 9, 1794, vol. 3, no. 169, published semi-weekly by Gardner & Hill (George Gardner and Hill), who had purchased the paper from Tiffany.Early in 1795, the title was changed to "The Recorder" and publication to weekly. In May or June 1795 the paper was removed to Troy, where it was continued without change of volume numbering.Brigham, Clarence S. "Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690-1820." Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society. April 1917. 273.

The Literary Cabinet, of Poetry, Tales, Sketches and General Intelligence. Vol. 1, No. 1. Lansingburgh, N. Y., November 1844. (Masthead.)

The Literary Cabinet, November, 1841.
Weise, Arthur James. The City of Troy and Its Vicinity. Troy, NY: Edward Green, 1886. 216.
The Literary Cabinet, November, 1841,
by James J. Peck-Anderson, George Baker. Landmarks of Rensselaer County, New York. Syracuse, NY: 1897. 396.

[Lansingburgh] Tiffany's Recorder, 1793-1794.
Weekly. The earliest issue located, that of June 11, 1793, no. 92, published by Silvester Tiffany, with the title of "Tiffany's Recorder", seems to show that Tiffany established the paper in June 1793, but continued the volume numbering of the "American Spy", from the conduct of which paper he had been dropped with the issue of Dec. 21, 1792, no. 90. The last issue located with the title of "Tiffany's Recorder" is that of Sept. 23, 1794, no. 158, and in December the title was changed to the "Lansingburgh Recorder", which see.
Brigham, Clarence S. "Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690-1820."
Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society. April 1917. 273-274.
Douglas G. Lochhead, “TIFFANY, SILVESTER,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 5, University of Toronto/Université Laval, 2003–, accessed October 14, 2016, .
Silvester Tiffany (1759-1811) Pioneer Cemetery, Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York, USA

[Lansingburgh] Northern Budget, 1797-1798.
Weekly. Established June 20, 1797, by Robert Moffitt & Co., with the title of "The Northern Budget". With the issue of July 11, 1797, the title was altered to "Northern Budget". The last issue published at Lansingburgh was that of May 8, 1798, vol. 1, no. 47, after which the paper was removed to Troy and continued under the same name.
Brigham, Clarence S. "Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690-1820."
Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society. April 1917. 272.

Lansingburgh Gazette, 1798-1820+.
Weekly. Established Sept. 18, 1798, by Gardiner Tracy, with the title of "Lansingburgh Gazette". It succeeded the "American Spy", continuing its advertisements, but adopting a new volume numbering. With the issue of Oct. 14, 1806, Luther Bliss was admitted to partnership and the paper was published by Tracy & Bliss, and continued by them until after 1820.Brigham, Clarence S. "Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690-1820." Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society. April 1917. 271-272.
LANSINGBURGH GAZETTE, weekly, Septmber 12, 1798. Changed to THE RENSSELAER COUNTY GAZETTE, weekly, Tuesday, May 2, 1826. Subsequently changed to the LANSINGBURGH DEMOCRAT and RENSSELAER COUNTY GAZETTE.
LANSINGBURGH GAZETTE, weekly, new series, December, 1826. Discontinued in 1883.
Weise, Arthur James. The City of Troy and Its Vicinity. Troy, NY: Edward Green, 216.


Our Little Paper, weekly, Friday, September 13, 1872. Discontinued December, 1873.
Weise, Arthur James. The City of Troy and Its Vicinity. Troy, NY: Edward Green, 1886. 216.

The Lansingburgh Courier, weekly, holiday, December 24, 1875. The paper is still published.
Weise, Arthur James. The City of Troy and Its Vicinity. Troy, NY: Edward Green, 1886. 216.
The New York State Newspaper Project indicated the Lansingburgh Courier published into 1909, but found no holdings in New York state after the July 19, 1894 issue.


The Lansingburgh Daily Gazette, Tuesday, January 3, 1860. Discontinued February 11, 1860.Weise, Arthur James. The City of Troy and Its Vicinity. Troy, NY: Edward Green, 1886. 216. Lansingburgh Daily Gazette, January 3, 1860, by Thomas Mitchell and Alexander KirkpatrickAnderson, George Baker.
Landmarks of Rensselaer County, New York. Syracuse, NY: 1897. 396.

The Golden Rule, a monthly, January 1, 1844. Subsequently changed to Young Ladies’ Messenger in 1847. Weise, Arthur James.
The City of Troy and Its Vicinity. Troy, NY: Edward Green, 1886. 216.

[Lansingburgh] Farmers' Register, 1803-1807. Weekly.
Established Jan. 25, 1803, by Francis Adancourt, with the title of "Farmers' Register". The last issue published at Lansingburgh was that of Nov. 10, 1807, vol. 5, no. 43, and with the next issue the paper was removed to Troy and continued under the same title.Brigham, Clarence S. "Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690-1820."
Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society. April 1917. 270.

[Lansingburgh] Northern Centinel, 1787-1788. Weekly. Established May 21, 1787, by Claxton & Babcock (Claxton and John Babcock), with the title of "The Northern Centinel, and Lansingborough Advertiser". With the issue of Oct. 15, 1787, "Lansingborough" in the title was changed to "Lansingburgh", the printers having been led into error through "being strangers here when they first established their business".The last issue located is that of Jan. 15, 1788, vol. 1, no. 35, and the paper was discontinued before the end of January, and removed to Albany where it was established as "The Federal Herald" on Feb. 11, 1788.Brigham, Clarence S. "Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690-1820."
Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society. April 1917. 272-273.

[Lansingburgh] Farmer's Oracle, 1796-1797.
Weekly. Established Nov. 1, 1796, by Luther Pratt, & Co. (Luther Pratt and Daniel Curtis), with the title of "Farmer's Oracle, and Lansingburgh Weekly Gazette". The issue of Jan. 24, 1797, was probably the last issue, as on Jan. 31, 1797, the paper was removed to Troy, where it continued under the title of "Farmer's Oracle".Brigham, Clarence S. "Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690-1820." Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society. April 1917. 269.

The Antiquarian and General Review, a monthly, March. 1847, Discontinued in 1848.Weise, Arthur James.
The City of Troy and Its Vicinity. Troy, NY: Edward Green, 1886. 216.

The New York State Newspaper Project indicated the Lansingburgh Times published into 1904 but found no holdings in New York after the May 25, 1895 issue. References to it in contemporary publications do suggest that it may have been published at least until 1902.

The Lansingburgh Times was designated as the official paper for the ensuing year."
Lansingburgh; Village Trustees and Various Matters."Troy Daily Times.March 25, 1896: 5 col 2.Lansingburgh Times, established by Alexander Kirkpatrick.Anderson, George Baker.
Landmarks of Rensselaer County, New York.Syracuse, NY: 1897. 396.
When the board reconvened Mr. Patchke offered a resolution, which was adopted, designating the papers to print the official canvass as follows: Rensselaer Gazette and Sun, Troy Advocate, Troy Observer, German Free Press, Lansingburgh Times, Rensselaer County Herald."The Canvass."
Troy Daily Times.December 23, 1898: 3 col 2.

[Lansingburgh] American Spy, 1791-1798.Weekly. Established Apr. 8, 1791, by Silvester Tiffany, with the title of "American Spy". With the issue of Aug. 3, 1792, William W. Wands was admitted to partnership and the paper was published by Silvester Tiffany and William W. Wands. With the issue of Dec. 21, 1792, the partnership was dissolved, although this was disputed by Tiffany, and William W. Wands became sole publisher. In June, 1797, Wands declined continuing the business and the press was sold to Robert Moffitt & Co., who established "The Northern Budget", continuing the advertisements from the Spy. After a short interval, however, Charles R. Webster reestablished the "American Spy" and continued it up to the last issue located, that of Feb. 27, 1798, vol. 7, no. 351. The Spy was succeeded in September, 1798, by the "Lansingburgh Gazette".Brigham, Clarence S. "Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690-1820." Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society. April 1917. 268-269., J. D. Document, 1792 June 30. 1792 June 30. Correspondence. Rare Book & Manuscript Library,
Columbia University. Columbia Digital Library Collections. 14 Oct 2016. [American Spy, extra. Lansingburgh, June 30, 1792.]

The Democratic Press and Lansingburgh Advertiser, weekly, January 13, 1838.
Subsequently changed to Lansingburgh Democrat.
Subsequently changed to New Advertiser. Discontinued, July 12, 1861.
Weise, Arthur James.
The City of Troy and Its Vicinity. Troy, NY: Edward Green, 1886. 216.

Semi-Weekly Chronicle, Wednesdays and Saturdays. April 6, 1864.
Subsequently changed to theLansingburgh Chronicle and Family Guide, weekly, July 4, 1866,
Subsequently called the Weekly Chronicle and Watchman.
Weise, Arthur James.
The City of Troy and Its Vicinity. Troy, NY: Edward Green, 1886. 216.

[Lansingburgh] Federal Herald, 1788-1790. Weekly.
Removed from Albany and established at Lansingburgh without change of title or volume numbering. The first Lansingburgh issue was that of Apr. 28, 1788, vol. 1, no. 11, published by Babcock & Hickok (John Babcock and Hickok), with the title of "The Federal Herald". It was continued by this firm until its suspension, with the issue of June 7, 1790, vol. 4, no. 1, total no. 121.
Brigham, Clarence S. "Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690-1820."
Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society. April 1917. 270-271.