The Opera Theatre, later named the Capitol Theatre, had been an early movie theater at 3025 Sixth Avenue between Douw Avenue and Ingalls Avenue in Batestown, an area once part of the Town of Lansingburgh. It was in operation, approximately, during 1913-1921.
UNCLE Tom's Cabin Friday by request. Feature in three reels. OPERA THEATRE, Sixth Avenue, Above Ingalls. Admission 5c."Miscellaneous." Troy Times. November 21, 1913: 6 col 7.OPERA THEATRE, Sixth Avenue, above Ingalls. Wednesday, December 17, "Robinson Crusoe in Bison," in three parts, "The Wall of Money," two parts, and "Indians of the Desert." Triple features to-day. Don't miss it. Admission 10c."Miscellaneous." Troy Times. December 17, 1913: 6 col 7.—The Trojan Amusement Company has purchased the lease of the Opera Moving-Picture Theatre at Sixth Avenue and Ingalls Avenue from Clark Cipperly, trustee in the O. B. Desrouchers case. The lease has about fourteen months to run."City Notes." Troy Times. February 20, 1915: 5 col 1.