Troy Normal and Fine Art School

Troy Normal and Fine Art School
620 Third Avenue, North.

Collage of black and white photos densely packed with artworks of all kinds.

Classes in Sketching, Design, China, Oil and Water Color Painting, pen and ink. Two years' course in normal art. Satisfactory work receives a certificate. The State Regents grant drawing teachers' certificates to pupils from this school passing examinations.MARIE LEMPE CLEMPSON, Director.
Troy Times. October 12, 1911: 14 col 7.


—SCHOOL of Normal and Fine Arts!a summer session through July! [...] preparing for state examinations.Third Avenue, North. MARIE LEMPE CLEMPSON, Director.
Troy Times. June 30, 1913: 6 col 7.


TROY Normal and Fine Art School, 620 Third Avenue North, opens for registration and work Saturday, October 5. Designing, mechanical draughting, china painting, basketry. 'Phone, North 494-W. Mrs. Marie Lempe Clempson. Director.
Troy Times. October 9, 1918: 9 col 6.

See also

Emilie C. Adams (1853-1935)