The Melville Family in the City of Albany

Norsworthy, Scott. "Albany Library, 1828 Catalogue." Melvilliana. March 18, 2015.

On Wednesday the 2d inst. the public distribution of premiums, awarded at the semi-annual examination, was made in the hall of the Academy. Previous to this, the compositions to which prizes had been adjudged were read. The following report, adopted by the board of the trustees, contains the details.[...]In the classes in the second department under the care of Professors Bullions and Mr. Leech, the premiums are awarded as follows: [...]
In Roman Antiquities—the premium to Gansevoort Melville.Classes
In English and Orthographical Exercises in this Department
1st class—1st premium to William H. Steele; 2d to Gansevoort Melville; 3d to John D Groesbeeck [...]
1st class in Ancient History—1st premium to John D Groesbeeck; 2d to Gansevoort Melville; 2d to Frederick F. Leake [...]

The committee also report that the various classes in Penmanship have been examined, and the premiums awarded as follows: [...]1st class, 1st do to Gansevoort Melville; 2d do to Addison Mandell [...]It became the further duty of the committee to examine a great number of compositions presented for premiums. [...]2d. class—1st premium to the composition on the "French Revolution"; 2d do. to the do. entitled "Santa Claus"; 3d do. to the do. on "Duelling." [...]The premiums for compositions having been awarded without a knowledge of the authors, the following were ascertained at the above exercises to have been the successful competitors: [...]2d class—1st premium to Gansevoort Melville; 2d to Charles C Packard; 3d to John S. Gould.
Albany Argus. March 3, 1831: 2.Norsworthy, Scott. "Gansevoort Melville at the Albany Academy, 1831." Melvilliana. July 22, 2012., Scott. "Orations heard August 4, 1831 by ciphering whiz-kid Herman Melville." Melvilliana: the world and writings of Herman Melville. March 2, 2015.

Deaths.[...]In Albany, 28th ult. Allan Melville, Esq, aged 49, son of Thomas Melville, Esq. of this city, and formerly himself a merchant of this place. By his death he has left a widow and a numerous family of Children to mourn his loss. By the warmth of his affections, the purity of his principles, the undeviating integrity of his conduct, combined with great vigor of mind, and firmness and perseverance of purpose, and more especially, by that equanimity arising from a firm confidence in the hopes and promises of another and a better life, Mr, Melville's character was such, as in no ordinary degree, to conciliate the affections, and to command the unshaken confidence of all those with whom he was associated, in business, in friendship, or in the nearer and more tender relations of domestic life.
Columbian Centinel [Boston, MA].

February 8, 1832: 1 col 7.$20 REWARD—Taken from the Rail Road Car which left Albany at 10 o'clock on the 18th October, ONE HAIR COVERED TRUNK, containing Fur Caps. Also, a small bundle fastened there'o marked David Wood, New Stockbridge, and containing 1 ps. olive cloth, 1 ps. cassimere, 1 ps. circassians, 1 ps. calico, and 1 merino shawl, each cut in patterns for garments. WHoever will return the above mentioned articles to the subscriber, shall receive the above reward, at his store 354 S. Market st. Albany. no4-t1 G. MELVILLE.
Daily Albany Argus. November 4, 1833: 3 col 1.Norsworthy, Scott. "1834 Albany Journal of Gansevoort Melville." Melvilliana. January 26, 2014., Neil B. "The Melville Brothers in Schenectady." Schenectady County Historical Society Newsletter 60(10-12). Oct-Dec. 2016. 1, 8-9.
BOARD.—A number of genteel boarders can be accommodated with or without rooms in that splendid house No. 282 North Market-st., now occupied by Mrs. Melville, from the first of May, by enquiring at 268 North Market-stfe28 2moAlbany Evening Journal. May 2, 1834: 1 col 3. [Is this the same Melville family?]
From the Albany Journal of last evening.
FIRE.—The Fur Establishment of G. Melville & Co. in Wendell's Hollow, was last evening, about 10 o'clock, entirely consumed by fire. It was insured at the Manhattan Insurance Company, N. Y. for $5,000. The whole loss of property is supposed to be about $6,000.
Albany Evening Journal. May 2, 1834: 2 col 3.

New York Commercial Advertiser. May 3, 1834: 3.HAIR SEAL CAPS of all the different patterns, for sale at the lowest New York prices at wholesale, by G. MELVILLE,no 5 364 South Market st.
Albany Argus. January 9, 1835: 3.FURS—A large assortment of Fur, Hair, Seal and Cloth Caps, Fur Collars, Ladies' Capes and Trimmings, for sale wholesale and retail, on liberal terms, by G. MELVILLE,oc30 364 South Market st.Daily Albany Argus. January 10, 1835: 1 col 7.SLEIGH ROBE—An extra fine, dark and large racoon sleigh robe, made entirely from selected skins, for sale by G. MELVILLE,de30 364 S. Market st.——————————————————FOR SALE—A young Black Horse, perfectly sound, in good condition, and without vice, sold because the owner has no further use for him.Apply to G. MELVILLE,de30 364 S. Market st.Daily Albany Argus. January 16, 1835: 3 col 3.BUFFALO ROBES—By the bale or single, for sale by G. MELVILLE,no21 364 South Market st.Daily Albany Argus. January 16, 1835: 3 col 3.The following gentlemen were on Monday last elected officers of the Debating Society of the "Young Mens' Association for Mutual Improvement:"ROBERT J. HILTON, President; HORACE B. WEBSTER, 1st Vice President; GANSEVOORT MELVILLE, 2d Do. HAMILTON W. ROBINSON, Secretary.Albany Evening Journal. October 27, 1835: 2Norsworthy, Scott. "Augusta Melville on the poetry of Felicia Hemans." Melvilliana. February 24, 2017. IMMEDIATELY—Twenty Hat Trimmers. Apply toG. MELVILLE,mr10 364 South Market st.Daily Albany Argus. March 16, 1836: 3 col 2.WANTED—Two boys as apprentices to the Hatting business. Apply toG. MELVILLEmr14 364 South Market-st.Daily Albany Argus. March 30, 1836: 3 col 1.At a meeting of the Committee from the Young Men's Association, for making arrangements for celebrating the fourth of July, 1836, held at the rooms of the Association on Wednesday morning, July 6th—Resolved, That the members of this committee, in behalf of the Association, tender to J. Davis, Esq., their thanks for his eloquent and patriotic oration, delivered before the Association.Resolved, That the thanks of the Association be also tendered to Mr. G. Melville, for the prompt and pleasing manner in which he discharged his duty as reader.Resolved, That the members of the Albany Sacred Music Fund Society, for the deep interest manifested by them, in the propensity of the Association, and for the skill and taste displayed in their performance, deserve, and we hereby tender the sincere thanks and approbation of the committee.Resolved, That the soldier-like and gentlemanly bearing of the Albany Union Guards, was highly creditable to the mselves and gratifying to the committee.Resolved, That the committee are under great obligation to Mr. W. R. Bush, for his active and efficient discharge of the duty of Marshal of the day.J. H. WILDER, Cha'n.Albany Evening Journal. July 6, 1836: 2 col 6.THE LATE ANNIVERSARY, notwithstanding an unwelcome rain which continued throughout the day with little intermission, was celebrated with an ardor which nothing could dampen, though necessarily with some curtailment of the arrangements out of doors, which had been made with more than the usual spirit by our citizens. [...]The day was also observed by the Young Mens' Association in this city. The exercises were in the Second Presbyterian church. The Declaration of Independence was read, and well read, by Mr. G. MELVILLE. The oration which we learn was a production creditable as well to the author as to the choice of the Association, was pronounced by JOHN DAVIS, esq. The members were out in great numbers with their badges and banner, and of themselves formed a large procession, exclusive of the citizens, with whom the Association continues to be, as it deserves, a favorite as it is a flourishing and valuable institution.Albany Argus. July 8, 1836: 2.Norsworthy, Scott. "Philo Logos Society in 1837: debate and elections." Melvilliana. March 6, 2015.

REMOVAL.—LYON, CHESEBRO & CO. have removed their Fur and Cap Store to No. 364 South Market st., the same store that G. Melville recently occupied.Albany Evening Journal. February 10, 1837: 3 col 6.

TO LET, the buildings on Dean st. between State and Hudson sts. in the rear of the store of the subscribers, recently occupied as a hat manufactory by G. Melville, and is well calculated for that or any other manufacturing purposes. Possession given immediately.LYON, CHESEBRO & Co.mh17 No. 364 South Market st.
Albany Evening Journal. April 25, 1837: 3.ALBANY FEMALE ACADEMY.[North Pearl-Street.]Report of the Annual Examination, July, 1837. [...]The PRESIDENT then read the following report, and announced the award of premiums:The Trustees of the Albany Female Academy, in presenting their annual report to its patrons [...]In the Second Department.The Board award the highest expression of their approbation to Misses Cornelia Van Rensselaer, Augusta Melville, Catharine McKnight, Jane M. Jones, Lydia M. Talcott, Laura A. Brown, Alida Denniston, Rhoby H. Loomis, Emma Lawrence, Ellen Jones, Laura A. Croswell, Margaret V. S. Bronck, Eliza Chapin, Anna E. Wyckoff, Maria Boyd, Mary G. Rice, Catharine Groesbeck, Elizabeth Benham, Mary Benham, Jane E. Noyes, Amelia Chapin, Mary Cassidy, Anna Tracy, Frances Tracy, Charlotte E. Young.Daily Albany Argus. July 18, 1837: 2.Albany Evening Journal. July 18, 1837: 1.ALL persons who are indebted to [Gansevoort] G. Melville, are requested to make immediate payment to B. L. Collier, at the office of the assignees, No. 10 Stanwix Hall, where those having claims against the said Melville, will present the same for adjustment. May 30, 1837.B. L. COLLIER,je2-dac4w A. W. BRADFORD, Assignees.Daily Albany Argus. July 18, 1837: 3 col 4.At a meeting of the Philo Logos Society of the city of Albany, held at their room in Stanwix Hall, on the evening of the 9th instant, the following gentlemen were unanimously elected to serve for the ensuing year:President—Herman Melville.Vice President—Lotus Niles.Secretary—Daniel E. Bassett.Treasurer—Alfred Gerome.Albany Evening Journal. February 13, 1838: 3 col 1.Norsworthy, Scott. "Questions for Debate in Melville's Albany, 1837-8." Melvilliana. March 5, 2015.

SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of an execution issued out of the Supreme Court of the state of New York, to me directed and delivered, I have seized and taken all the right, title, interest and estate which Maria G. Melville had on the first day of May, 1837, or which she may since have acquired, of, in and to all that certain lot of ground known as lot No. 29, in the fifth ward of the city of Albany, bounded on Carroll street, between Spencer and Lumber streets, with the buildings thereon, lately occupied by Chase & Smith as a fur factory; said lot is 38 feet front on Carroll street and 95 feet 6 inches in depth; and also two vacant lots, being part of the yard connected with the said factory, each of said lots being 24 feet in width, and each being upwards of 100 feet in depth, which I shall sell at public auction at the Mansion House, in the city of Albany, on the 27th day of June next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day. Dated Albany, May 16, 1839.ANGUS McDUFFIE, late Sheriff.By JOHN D. LIVINGSTON, Dep. my17 1[?]w6w.Albany Evening Journal. May 20, 1839: 1.

Larrabee, Harold A. “Herman Melville's Early Years in Albany.” New York History 15(2). April 1934. 144-159., David K. "Herman Melville at the Albany Academy." Melville Society Extracts. May 1980. 1, 4-10., Scott. "Herman Melville of Albany." Melvilliana: the world and writings of Herman Melville. April 5, 2016., Meredith. "Herman Melville and Joseph Henry at the Albany Academy; or, Melville’s Education in Mathematics and Science." Leviathan 18(2). June 2016. 4-28.'Connor, Julie. "Happy Birthday Herman Melville!" Friends of Albany History. January 23, 2018.'Connor, Julie. "The Stanwix Hotel – the Oldest Hotel in Albany." Friends of Albany History. April 13, 2018.